A Sensorimotor Approach to Helping with the COVID-19 Pandemic: a conversation with Pat Ogden: Jun 17, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Pat Ogden, PhD, is a pioneer in somatic psychology, the creator of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy method, and founder of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. Dr. Ogden is trained in a wide variety of somatic and psychotherapeutic approaches and has over 45 years of experience working with individuals and groups. She is co-founder of the Hakomi Institute, past faculty of Naropa University … Read More

Two New books by Allan N Schore to be released March 2019: Right Brain Psychotherapy, and The Development of the Unconscious Mind

We are excited to announce that The Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology is releasing two upcoming books by Allan Schore in March 2019. Right Brain Psychotherapy “The latest groundbreaking, interdisciplinary work from one of our most eloquent and significant writers about emotion and the brain. An exploration into the adaptive functions of the emotional right brain, which describes not only … Read More

David Mars November 14 at 8:00am PST: AEDP for Couples: Micro-movement, Gesture and Body Cues that Accelerate Trauma Treatment 

AEDP for Couples: Micro-movement, Gesture and Body Cues that Accelerate Trauma Treatment  We are thrilled to welcome David Mars, Ph.D., MFT, to the GAINS community as he leads us on an exploration to clarify and demonstrate how initially unconscious movement in individual treatment sessions can provide an access point for the acceleration of therapeutic work. David will make use of … Read More

May 22, 2018 Considering the Nature of Our Right and Left Hemisphere’s Engagement: a conversation between Iain McGilchrist and Allan Schore

Interaction with the world requires the right hemisphere’s broad attention, which is inclusive and opens up into possibility, coupled with the left hemisphere’s narrow attention, which collapses the world we experience into specificity. The world we live in today, many would argue, is biased toward the style of the left hemisphere. Such a bias precludes the possibility of knowledge that … Read More

May 22, 2018 Considering the Nature of Our Right and Left Hemisphere’s Engagement: a conversation between Iain McGilchrist and Allan Schore

Interaction with the world requires the right hemisphere’s broad attention, which is inclusive and opens up into possibility, coupled with the left hemisphere’s narrow attention, which collapses the world we experience into specificity. The world we live in today, many would argue, is biased toward the style of the left hemisphere. Such a bias precludes the possibility of knowledge that … Read More

WHY WE EAT, By Richard Hill

We are becoming more informed about the relationship between the gut biota and mental health (see refs 1-7). The “gut-brain axis” is a well recognized, bi-directional communication system. The abstract for Evernsel and Ceylan’s (2015) paper summarizes the pricinciple aspects: The gut microbiota is essential to human health and the immune system and plays a major role in the bidirectional … Read More