Nervous Systems in an Anxious Time: The Neurobiology of Crisis, Trauma, and Resilience.

The following is excerpted from the presentation, “Nervous Systems in an Anxious Time: The Neurobiology of Crisis, Trauma, and Resilience,” by Gregory Czyszczon, Ph.D., LPC, offered as part of Eastern Mennonite University’s Trauma and Resilience in Healthcare Settings certificate program. To counter such a possibility, the human nervous system/embodied brain has evolved to ensure our survival. Not only that, it … Read More

The Importance of Evolved Nest

By Darcia Narvaez, It is becoming increasingly clear that the developmental system our species evolved is critical for fostering our fullest capacities. I call this the evolved nest, for short. We’ve been gathering data and compiling research on the components for over ten years (see here). When we observe the people in societies who provide the evolved nest, we … Read More

Feelings Gone Awry: Emotion as Progenitor of the Anomalous

By Michael Jawer  Twenty-plus years ago I went on my first – and, so far, only – poltergeist investigation.  It was at the invitation of the late William Roll, PhD, a renowned parapsychologist in that small field.  I drove to a central Pennsylvania town, where I met a middle-aged couple who’d asked Roll for his help given a purported string … Read More

Integrated Life Skills for Managing Life’s Demands

By Ross and Jamie Ungerleider  Our newly published book, Discovering Your Mindful Heart: An Explorer’s Guide.  Developing your internal resources to manage life’s demands (published by Balboa Press), weaves emerging information from the field of interpersonal neurobiology into the pioneering work of Virginia Satir and the experiences of the authors in their careers working with professionals (mostly in healthcare) who are … Read More