The Secure Child Program: Applying the Interpersonal Neurobiology of Attachment in the Child Welfare System July 21st 1:00 pm PST

Join Dr. Somer George, LPC, Kirke Olson, Psy.D, and Dr. Greg Czyszczon, LPC, as they describe their innovative, attachment-based program that serves children and families involved in the child welfare system in Virginia. The Secure Child Program makes use of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation assessment, the Adult Attachment Interview, and the Parent Development Interview to create a plan of intervention for … Read More

Finding Our Way Along the Healing Path ~ By James Finley

What follows is the introduction to a book that James Finley is currently writing on the spirituality of healing. We are deeply grateful to him for sharing these rich words with us, describing an intimate and vulnerable journey towards healing. Dr. Finley will join our Living Journal webinar on January 13, 2021 to discuss our innate capacity to be more … Read More

Resilience: 6 Steps to BOUNCE Back

by Mary Meador, MD What is resilience? It is the quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure, trauma or misfortune overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to bounce back. The initial research on resilience was started by Norman Garmezy in the 1970s. … Read More

Gathering the Self: A Necessary Act That is Fractured by Trauma

By Sarah Peyton, author of Your Resonant Self As I prepared myself to present a weekend workshop in Vancouver, British Columbia called Healing Addiction: Acknowledging the Impact of Trauma, I thought about the beauty of the words, “gathering oneself together.” There’s the in-breath that comes with the contracted diaphragm, a counterintuitive shortening of muscle that leads to the expansion of … Read More