Playfulness is the Treatment for Isolation, Fear, and Loneliness

By Robyn Gobbel, LCSW, RPT-S How did we get lucky enough to live in a time-period where we have scientific evidence for the necessity of play and playfulness??? In a culture where we privilege verbal processing and solution identification, as well as a boot-straps mentality that hard work should feel hard, the truth that playfulness both heals and strengthens our … Read More

Keeping Integration in Mind: Response-Ability in These Times of Uncertainty

In the past weeks, I have been reflecting on the varied responses to the current pandemic.  Like you, I’m exposed to multiple stories of unregulated fear and panic driving people to narrow their sphere of concern as they scramble to populate their pantries and cupboards causing widespread shortages for others.  Also, I have been deeply discouraged by the opposite reaction: … Read More

Resilience: 6 Steps to BOUNCE Back

by Mary Meador, MD What is resilience? It is the quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure, trauma or misfortune overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to bounce back. The initial research on resilience was started by Norman Garmezy in the 1970s. … Read More