Join Dr. Somer George, LPC, Kirke Olson, Psy.D, and Dr. Greg Czyszczon, LPC, as they describe their innovative, attachment-based program that serves children and families involved in the child welfare system in Virginia.
The Secure Child Program makes use of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation assessment, the Adult Attachment Interview, and the Parent Development Interview to create a plan of intervention for parents. We will describe our evaluation process and then describe the protocol we use in our work: experiencing attachment in the therapeutic relationship (we’re going to walk this path together); learning about attachment (we’ll learn what makes your child tick and what goes on inside); applying attachment (we’ll brainstorm ways to apply the learning to real life); reflecting on attachment (we’ll process the impact of new and old relationship experiences); and celebrating attachment (we’ll celebrate the power of healing relationships).
Participant Invitation
When: Jul 21, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: The Secure Child Program: Applying the Interpersonal Neurobiology of Attachment in the Child Welfare System
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