“The Flowers are Burning…Oceans A Rising”: Art, Climate Change & Injustice and IPNB- A Conversation with Artists Mary Kay Neumann and Helen Klebesadel August 7th 1:00p.m. PST

Please join us for a unique webinar exploring the intersection of art, climate change and IPNB.  Artists Mary Kay Neumann and Helen Klebesadel collaboratively created the ever expanding art exhibit and climate justice project “The Flowers are Burning…Oceans A Rising”. They talk with Kirke Olson and Sher Kamman about their passion for collaboration and discuss the interconnectivity that links their work with the heart of IPNB. They will incorporate some of their artwork during the webinar.
Mary Kay is also a psychotherapist and founder of Women’s Psychotherapy Centre of Wisconsin.
Helen is a full time artists, arts educator and director emeritus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Women and Gender Studies Consortium.
Sher is a NH Psychologist specializing in trauma treatment and a photographer focused on climate change.
Kirke is a NH Psychologist and Vice President of GAINS

This webinar is on August 7th from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm PST. Please register for the webinar at the following link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.