Happy New Year GAINS Community!

A Letter from the Incoming GAINS President As the incoming President I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year and to share with you the vision and hope the board has for GAINS. These are certainly challenging times across our irreplaceable planet. It is difficult to embrace the New Year with enthusiastic openness … Read More

A Thank You Note: We All Have A Brain – They All Work The Same

By Kirke Olson The work we all do as educators is challenging, rewarding, and sparks our emotions whether we are in adult settings, schools or in early childhood education. Using the best practices in our jobs is obviously important, but it is easy to miss the emotional aspects of the hard heart-work of education. Sometimes the reminders of the emotional … Read More

Resilience: 6 Steps to BOUNCE Back

by Mary Meador, MD What is resilience? It is the quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure, trauma or misfortune overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to bounce back. The initial research on resilience was started by Norman Garmezy in the 1970s. … Read More

Youth and IPNB By Mandy Shewfelt

At GAINS we join with today’s youth and their vocal recognition of being the first generation to grow up living in the explicit reality of intense climate disruption. They are dealing with floods, the Arctic on fire, draughts, dangerous heat waves, intense weather disturbances, and a faster than expected warming climate. Species are becoming extinct at an alarming rate. Social … Read More

What is the relevance of IPNB to leadership?

By Lynn Redenbach This year’s IPNB conference, Timeless Wisdom, Timely Action touched me deeply, as it did for many others who were fortunate to attend this final gathering.  Perhaps, the announcement that this would be the last conference of its kind added to the preciousness of the experience; however, the experiential focus throughout the event brought the topics into body … Read More

Celebrate Diversity – 5 Things To Do for Pride Month!

By Debra Pearce-McCall and Lindsay Dec Interpersonal Neurobiology, by its very nature, is inclusive. It highlights and celebrates the brain to brain connections among all people. It serves as an illuminating, integrative framework that underscores the common features in good therapy, or teaching, or leading, or coaching, or parenting – the powerful potential in all relational human endeavors. And with … Read More