Can children get mental illness? In fact, among the 1 in 5 adults affected by a mental illness at any given time, 50% of those mental health conditions begin before age 14, and 75% before age 25. This means we have an incredible opportunity for prevention by starting early, in part by helping to build resilience in kids, teens, and entire families. At the heart of resilience is a mindfulness of our engagement with others and a mindfulness about our emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Join us for this upcoming webinar to learn more about what we can all do to help build a stronger mental health foundation for our future communities and leaders.
Gene Beresin, MD, MA is executive director of The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital, a full professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and senior educator in child and adolescent psychiatry at Mass General. Dr. Beresin has won a number of local and national teaching awards, including the American Psychiatric Association and National Institute of Mental Health Vestermark Award for Outstanding Teaching. He has published numerous papers and chapters on a variety of topics, including graduate medical education, mental health and media, eating disorders, personality disorders, and child and adolescent psychiatric treatments. Dr. Beresin is also deputy editor and media editor for Academic Psychiatry, as well as Advisory Board Member for GAINS.
When: Feb 21, 2018 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Towards a Future of Healthy Minds: Building Resilience in Children and Families
Please register for the webinar at the following link: