Throughout her career, Lynn Redenbach has been passionate about bringing relationally- centered perspectives into her work with clients and leadership work. She is a psychiatric nurse and has a Masters degree in counselling psychology as well as a Masters in leadership. Recently she completed a doctorate in Leadership and Change (healthcare concentration).
The Integrative Leader: IPNB and Leadership Practice
Description: IPNB’s relevance to leadership has been proposed and written about by scholars and practitioners. However, up to now there have been no empirical research to help illuminate what and how leaders and leadership consultants, are approaching their work from this perspective. In addition, there has not been a clear understanding about the implications IPNB has for organizations.
Given this, Lynn’s doctoral research sought to answer the questions: How, if at all, have healthcare leaders integrated IPNB in their leadership practices, and what impact has this integration had on their development and identity? And, what, if any, implications might their experiences hold for leadership in health and mental health organizations?
One of the key findings was that there was a continuum of integration across those who participated in the study. This provided insights into the different ways that IPNB informed leaders and consultants ways of being, seeing, and doing. Those who here highly integrative not only held the principle consciously, but also did so in ways that were so deeply woven into their relationships with themselves and others that it shaped their non-conscious expressions of their leadership development and experience.
In this webinar Lynn will discuss key takeaways from her findings with a focus on the foundational principle of integration and the meaning this had for participants’ leadership practice, development, and identity. She will also discuss the implications that integration had for their organizations. In addition, she will share how these individuals viewed and promoted change in non-relational healthcare systems, which was often a driver for their work as leaders. Finally, this webinar will serve as an invitation to GAINS members who would like to join a monthly discussion group to explore leadership from an IPNB perspective.
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
19:00 GMT
11:00 AM PST (US and Canada) GMT-8:00
2:00 PM EST (US and Canada) GMT-5:00
7:00 PM WET (London) GMT+0:00
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