Resilience: 6 Steps to BOUNCE Back, by Mary Meador, MD

What is resilience? It is the sometimes elusive quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure, trauma or misfortune overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to bounce back. Resilience, it turns out, is reflected in our body’s ability to adapt under stress. We … Read More

Wellness-Informed Practice, the Evolved Nest, and Human and Planetary Thriving June 16th 1:00 pm PST

Wellness-informed practice requires understanding humanity’s basic needs and how our sustainable ancestors fulfilled those needs to foster the heartmind and wise living on the earth. Although we cannot return to the full lifestyle of our ancestors (nomadic foraging), contemporary nomadic foragers give us insight into what our basic needs are, how to meet them and what thriving human beings are like. Our … Read More

Emotion as Gateway to the Anomalous May 19th 1:00 pm PST

This webinar will present a conception of anomalies, such as apparitions and poltergeists, as phenomena that spring from a palpable, biological source – the bodymind – and are spurred by emotion. A framework will be presented that defines “feeling” and “emotion” in bioenergetic terms, emphasizing how feelings traverse and connect the physical and mental, body and brain, soma and psyche … Read More