Lynn Redenbach

RPN, MA, PhD (cand), RCC President

Lynn Redenbach works as a psychotherapist and consultant on Vancouver Island, BC.  She is a grateful member of the GAINS Board of Directors, in the recent past as the Co-Chair of the Education Committee, the Vice-President and currently the President.  Lynn is currently doing a Ph.D. in Leadership and Change in Healthcare and is doing research into IPNB and leadership. She strives to bring her IPNB-informed leadership knowledge and experience to GAINS as it moves forward into the future.

In addition to supporting individuals, couples, and families, in her private practice, Lynn offers clinical consultation and leadership development to healthcare practitioners. As well she supports organizational change processes from a complex systems perspective. She is particularly interested in supporting organizations and leaders in the development of relationship-centered processes that foster engagement and innovation. As a clinical manager of a non-profit mental health organization on Vancouver Island, Canada, Lynn has hands-on experience working in a dynamic and complex organization. She is interested in supporting others’ in the development of capacities and skills to foster greater integration in their lives, relationships, and workplaces.