Debra Pearce-McCall


“IPNB is my Systems 3.0: a way to think about and embrace the interacting systems of mind, body/brain, and relationships/cultures; a frame to synthesize many streams of science and translate them into meaningful everyday applications for healing, learning, changing, and being well. Through my work and through our GAINS community, I celebrate the expanding positive impacts of IPNB for leaders, consultants, therapists and other health care professionals, and really for anyone who seeks to understand our “nervous systems” and works toward expanding human well-being, personally and professionally.”

Dr. Debra Pearce-McCall, Ph.D., infuses her work as a consultant, clinician, facilitator, and coach with a profound blend of compassion, playfulness, and scientifically grounded insight into the workings of our minds and brains. She is passionate about IPNB applications to all forms of healing ourselves and our world, sustainable well-being, collective learning, wise leadership, and ethical relating. Debra especially enjoys working with people who heal or mentor or lead others, and she provides international consulting and training for conscious and compassionate change-makers.

Deeply committed to expanding the field of IPNB since 2005, Debra’s contributions include:

  • Creating and facilitating applications of IPNB (engaging with people worldwide to incorporate IPNB principles into their work and lives); developed numerous classes for the first academic certificate program in IPNB, now housed at PCC Institute for Health Professionals.)

  • Authoring works in the field of IPNB (co-authored Mindsight at Work: An Interpersonal Neurobiology Lens on Leadership, with Daniel J. Siegel, MD; conceived and edited several GAINS e-books; co-edited several years of editions and wrote feature articles for the GAINS journal; ongoing writing projects).

  • Dedication to fostering the growth of the GAINS community, where she has served as a charter member and long-standing board member, including a term as President.

With degrees in psychology and human systems, from the Universities of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, Debra holds licenses as a Psychologist and as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She provides IPNB-infused services through her Center for Prosilient Minds and is a Senior Consultant with the CreatingWe Institute.

Her deepest knowings about the healing and wellbeing found through integrating mind, brain, and relating have come from parenting, exploring mindful awareness and expansion practices, journeys with pain and loss and joy, communing with nature in all forms, and dancing – in body or mind or conversation.

