Cherie Dikelsky

Cherie Dikelsky

Cherie Dikelsky

“Where outcomes matter, applied IPNB matters. I’m so grateful for GAINS’ commitment to socializing the science and wisdom of IPNB, and very honored to serve on the board that sustains its work.”

Cherie Dikelsky, ACC, ECPC is the founder and principal success coach at Hemispheres Coaching & Advocacy, LLC.

Cherie brings two decades of study to the application and development of thinking and behavior frameworks. Her journey in behavior design was profoundly influenced by brain injury, which transformed her passion for brainsavvy into a calling. Today, her tools help transform uncertainties into creative, vital spaces that expand her clients’ discoverable pathways and resources and create lasting neuroplastic change.

Cherie’s work as a coach and strategist is distinguished by her focus on transformation practice and thought leadership. She has served on advisory boards for award-winning behavior design frameworks and led breakthrough transformation programs for national and global organizations, including the US Federal Reserve System, the American Medical Association, and the American Hospital Association.

A dedicated advocate for brainsavvy as a path to social justice, Cherie serves on the Board of Directors at the Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology (GAINS) and sponsors culture and practice fellowships to promote progress. In her spare time, she provides pro bono support for social and cultural advocacy programs including @thebrainsavvycoach. Cherie is a certified member of the International Coaching Federation (ACC), an Erickson Certified Professional Coach (ECPC), and a member of the Mindsight Institute’s practice community. She holds a BFA from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts.