Richard Hill is the co-author of the recent book, The Practitioner’s Guide to Mirroring Hands, with Ernest Rossi, who was, in turn, the student and colleague of Milton Erickson. Those who appreciate mindfulness will see many similar elements and also the ways in which Rossi and Hill take the connection we make within ourselves into the natural problem solving and healing capacities that we all possess. Richard will discuss how the disruptions occur to this connection and how we make the shift into a “therapeutic consciousness”. Mirroring Hands embraces so much of what is being described as “new”, even though it has been a part of Rossi’s work for more than 40 years. Richard will explain and demonstrate.
Richard Hill, MA, MEd, MBMSc, presents internationally on the topics of human dynamics, communications, the brain and the mind, and his specialty, Curiosity. His work with the eminent Ernest Rossi, PhD, has led to the publication of The Practitioner’s Guide to Mirroring Hands, which is not only about a particular technique developed by Rossi, but also a complete approach to therapeutic practice. He is President of the Global Association of Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies (GAINS), Education Director of The Science of Psychotherapy, Director of the Mindscience Institute and, Managing Editor of The Neuropsychotherapist. His other books include, Choose Hope and How the ‘real world’ Is Driving Us Crazy! as well as numerous articles, journal papers and book chapters.