2015 Celebratory eBook – The Power of Play

This special eBook has been created for members (login to Resources page) and supporters who register for our newsletter. Created in conjunction with the 2015 IPNB conference at UCLA  and the release of the new GAINS website. Over 70 pages of wonderful material, some never seen before, from Stephen Porges, Louis Cozolino, Diane Ackerman, Ross Ungerleider, Terry Marks-Tarlow, Bonnie Badenoch, … Read More

Bonnie Badenoch – Year-long Training 2016

Bonnie Badenoch facilitates this year-long, experience-rich training in the application of Interpersonal Neurobiology. 4 times a year the group (only 16 participants)…

Book release – The Invisible Classroom by Kirke Olson

Relationships, Neuroscience & Mindfulness in School The Norton Series on the Social Neuroscience of Education Drawing on his decades of experience, the author highlights the crucial importance of connection before curriculum as the optimal way to prime the brain for learning, sharing both theory and rich stories of teachers and students working together. What a gift!” — Bonnie Badenoch, PhD, … Read More

Book Release – Attachment Based Teaching by Louis Cozolino

Creating A Tribal Classroom Teaching teachers the importance of social connection in the classroom. Human brains are social, and a student’s ability to learn is deeply influenced by the quality of his or her attachment to teachers and peers. Secure attachment relationships not only ensure our overall well-being, but also optimize learning by enhancing motivation, regulating anxiety, and triggering neuroplasticity. … Read More