
Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) is about connection, engagement, interaction and integration. GAINS is a community that manifests all these qualities—and we invite you to join us. Our priority is to support our members, the beating heart of our organization, in applying and socializing IPNB at local community, organizational, national, and global levels.  


The GAINS Community: Your hub for all things IPNB

Community: GAINS offers a global hub for IPNB resources, where we share ideas, learn from each other, support each other and promote each other's important work in IPNB. 

Free Events:  The hub regularly promtes free online events featuring special guests and discussions with the leading experts in IPNB research and application.

Free Content: Our hub features a growing range of free videos featuring conversations with Dan Siegel, Stephen Porges, Iain McGilchrist and more.

Public Directory: Our searchable directory features IPNB practitioners with a range of specialties from clinical practice to coaching and more.

and GAINS members get SO much more...

Advocacy: Our members are the beating heart of GAINS vision and mission—all member dues go directly back to supporting our advocacy work.

Development: Whether you are a mental health practitioner, therapist, coach, advocate or general IPNB enthusiast, the GAINS community is an exclusive space to grow your knowledge and skills in a community of committed IPNB leaders and practitioners.

Live Q&A: Members gain access to exclusive live Q&A opportunities with direct access to IPNB leaders and leading neuroscientists including GAINS advisory board members. 

Searchable Video Library: Members enjoy access to all past webinars which can be searched and viewed on-demand, so that members stay current on emerging research, new practice insights and other developments in IPNB.

Discussion Forums: Want to talk about IPNB with your colleagues? Our new member portal features members-only forums that not only promote and enhance the global dialogue about IPNB — they allow you to contribute to it, and promote your own IPNB-related work.

Expanded Directories: GAINS members they can opt-in to our members-only directories, to connect with other IPNB practitioners in their specialty, practice area or community.

Opportunities: Through our portal, forums and newsletter, we'll keep you updated on what’s happening today in the global IPNB community and what’s coming next.