Ms. Catherine Boyer, MA, LCSW

Catherine Boyer

Gender: Female
Business Name: Catherine Boyer, MA, LCSW

Primary Role

Psychotherapist and Neurofeedback Trainer

Professional Role(s)

Clinical Supervisor/Consultant
Bio/Neurofeedback Provider

Street Address

144 West 86th Street, Suite 1A

About Me

If you are looking for help making changes in your life - more satisfaction, better relationships, self esteem, getting rid of depression, anxiety and other unwanted conditions - my job is to help you get there.  I've been a therapist for over 20 years and a neurofeedback trainer since 2004. It's always been my belief that the work we do together has to be the uniquely right work for you. One of the things I love about Interpersonal Neurobiology is it's attention to what the needs of the individual client are and its creativity and flexibility regarding how to meet those needs.